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Left Kidney Pain – Should I Worry?

The kidneys are two fist sized organs that play a very important role in the body. That’s why, for optimal health, your kidneys must be in impeccable condition.

Sometimes or regularly you may have pain on the left side of your abdomen. Left flank pain is a fairly common disorder, especially in women and the elderly, and can radiate to the back of the back and be accompanied by an enlarged belly. You wonder if it’s serious and if it would be better to consult a kidney doctor?

First of all, be aware that many abdominal organs are located on the left side of the abdomen, so it is almost impossible to know for yourself which organ is affected or if it is serious. The kidneys can trigger pain in the lower back. For this reason, if you have constant and persistent pain in your left flank or lower back, it is recommended to make an appointment with a kidney specialist in Jaipur.

Before you see a doctor, don’t worry too much because infections are responsible for this kind of pain, sometimes very acute pain but not very severe and that can be treated with a simple antibiotic. If it is a bacterial kidney infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics, but if it is an infection due to an immune reaction, treatment will be more complex.

Here are some diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract:

– Kidney stone: This is the presence of a stone, i.e. a blood stone in the ureter. This can cause severe cramps that extend from the lower back into the groin and must be treated.

– Urinary infection: This is something much more common in women and can happen when someone does not drink enough water for example. This infection is usually treated with simple antibiotics. But even for a simple infection, you have to take the problem very seriously, because if you don’t treat it, it can get worse and cause a kidney abscess or even destroy it.

– Kidney problems: If you have edema, bad taste in the mouth or bad breath, thirst, persistent and generalized itching, muscle contractions or cramps, cloudy or dark-colored urine, you may have kidney problems and it is therefore essential to consult an urologist in Jaipur.

There are also pains in the left flank that are caused by prostate cancer, bladder cancer or testicular cancer. In this case, it is more serious than a simple urinary tract infection, and the sooner the disease is caught, the greater the chance of a cure.

So don’t wait if you have pain in your left flank to make an appointment with a kidney doctor in Jaipur. For prevention, to protect your kidneys it is important to make sure you drink enough water during the day to ensure a good urinary flow.

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