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ear infection in childrens

why ear infections are common in children’s ?

Many children face the problem of ear infections and often visit a pediatrician’s office for the same. An ear infection is basically an inflammation of the middle portion, the part responsible for transmitting sounds from the eardrum to the inner ear.

An ear infection is basically an inflammation of the middle portion, the part responsible for transmitting sounds from the eardrum to the inner ear. With the help of the Eustachian tubes, the middle section secretes a fluid which drains to the back of the throat. If this fluid does not drain, it accumulates in the middle ear and serves as a breeding ground for bacteria. This eventually causes an infection.

There are few common symptoms of an ear infection like vomiting, unpleasant smell coming out from child’s ear, insomnia, yellowish fluid and many more. While there are reasons of children been more affected by ear infections such as immature immune system, makes it harder for children to fight off certain infections and viruses whereas smaller Eustachian tubes in children are smaller and also it becomes more difficult for fluid to drain out of ear, in case when drain out tubes are blocked or swollen with mucus, it becomes more difficult.  Bacteria in the Adenoids, helps to fight off infections by trapping bacteria which enters through the mouth, sometimes when bacteria get trapped in the adenoids causes infections which passes to the middle ear.

The pain of ear infection disappears within 24 hours but if the symptoms become more severe than look for the doctors immediately. Some doctors prescribe and antibiotic to treat the infection and other will suggest drops or something else accordingly.

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