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Beat Insomnia and take a better sleep

Sleep is just another important part in our life. It is said that, to remain healthy and sleep one must take adequate amount to sleep. But there are people out there facing the problem of insomnia i.e. difficulty in sleeping. Sleep problems are quite common these days, due to more work load, personal and professional issues and other problems people sometimes skip their night sleep.
There are certain myths that need to be washed away from your mind to get a better sound sleep.

1. Challenge myths about sleep
Your equations about sleep can either help you or get in the way of a good night’s sleep. It is important to rethink about some of the false myths about sleep.

Myth 1: 8 hours of sleep per night is important, some people can function well with less and some people need more, it depends on person to person.

Myth 2: Taking Tap is not a good idea; naps are short sleep typically less than 20-30 minutes and not too close to your regular sleep. Taking naps are better as they reenergized you to mork again great energy.

Myth 3: A good sleep is one where a person can sleep solidly throughout the night, In fact, there we typically have sleep cycles of approximately 90 minutes’ duration, and we can move through up to 4 stages of sleep in each cycle, ranging from light sleep (even brief awakenings that we might not remember) to deep sleep.

Myth 4: Dark circles are due to lack of sleep; it could be often caused by food allergies and by other factors too.

Myth 5: Alcohol helps me to sleep, it may help sleep onset if it is taken early enough in the evening, but later on, as it is being processed by the body, it can actually decrease the likelihood for a person to enter the deeper, more restorative, stages of sleep.

2. Sleep Hygiene should improve

Healthy habits help to improve the quality and length of sleep. Habits such as consumption of nicotine and caffeine close to bedtime should be avoid, where as other things like,

• Before you sleep check for the room temperature, and also the comfortably of pillows and mattress, noised is minimized and light is minimized.
• Try to get some exposure to sunlight during waking hours. This helps to regulate the melatonin levels in your body – an important hormone associated with the sleep cycle.
• Avoid heavy or rich foods before sleep as they can lead to heartburn that disrupts sleep.
• Try not to use electronic devices with screens on the bed. Using a device is likely to increase your emotional and/or cognitive levels, and increase activation because of the increased light.
• Try to avoid naps if it is less than 6-8 hours before your normal sleep time.

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