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Are you suffering from oral health issues?

It is our daily routine to brush our teeth twice a day and flossing and visit to dentist for every six months. We were told that at a very young age that oral hygiene is the key in healthy teeth and gums. If proper care is done throughout our lives, we will have more good teeth when we got old.


Our parents and grandparents are getting old and so is the risk of poor hygiene. Poor oral hygiene is the root cause of someone losing most of their teeth. As we are getting old, our teeth wear out like the rest of our bodies and hence they are prone to infections and diseases. Some common oral health issues are: Tooth loss, oral cancer, cavities, and gum disease, infection of the mouth and sinuses, inability to taste, dry mouth, mucosal lesions, receding gums, denture lesions and many more.


As we get aged, the production of saliva decreases but saliva plays an essential role in keeping the mouth healthy, functioning properly and looking great. The acid produced by the bacteria eats away at the tooth enamel, slowly penetrating deeper into the tooth.  If cavities are not treated, they can lead to tooth decay; this latterly can lead to infection in jawbone which makes the jaw weaker. Other than this blood pressure, cholesterol, depression can also get affected because of dry mouth.


Oral health issues can also lead to lack of taste, whether it is caused from medication such as kidney disease or any liver disease.

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